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For Cavi Linux Students

This is an experimental wiki we can use to document what we've learned. Examples include:

  • Installation methods
  • Experiences with different distributions and their strengths and differences
  • Command syntax and options especially helpful for eyes-free operation

All materials for the CAVI linux administration course can be found on the linux administration course resources section of the web site. We also maintain a set of Lecture Notes that summarize information covered in the audio lectures, homework assignments, study group sessions and list discussions. There is also a list of UnansweredQuestions that you may wish to refer to.

Check out the puTTY page for info on puTTY

Here is an exercise to help you practice regular expressions. regular expression exercise1

the pmwiki assignment page will give you tips on how to get pmwiki installed and running which is your final assignment for this course.

A large part of this wiki so far is simply the documentation for using the wiki management system. But we can easily add our own content and make it a useful resource for the entire Linux using blind community.

Let's start with terminology, for without an understanding of the words, your grasp of their concepts will be limited indeed. Go to Linux Terms Defined To Get You Started

You may also wish to view the collection of Linux How-tos and tutorials or the other Linux resources and tools that are constantly being added to this wiki.

If you are curious how Linux compares to Windows and Mac Operating Systems, this Short Book Excerpt from Neal Stevenson's In The Beginning ... There Was The Command Line, summarizes it best.

How to Add Your Own Content To this Wiki

The basic editing page describes how to create pages in PmWiki. You can practice editing in the wiki sandbox.

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Page last modified on September 22, 2015, at 01:11 PM