Welcome to the Cisco Academy for Vision Impaired Linux Wiki.
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- LectureNotes . . . May 26, 2020, at 08:31 PM by Rob?:
- LinuxScreenAccess . . . May 26, 2020, at 08:05 PM by Rob?:
- LinuxResourcesAndTools . . . May 26, 2020, at 07:43 PM by Rob?:
- LinuxHow-tos . . . May 26, 2020, at 07:40 PM by Rob?:
- InstallingLinuxIntoAVirtualMachineUsingASerialConnection . . . May 26, 2020, at 07:09 PM by Rob?:
- UsingGRMLForTroubleshootingAndImaging . . . May 26, 2020, at 06:51 PM by Rob?:
- BasicLinuxDirectoryStructure . . . May 26, 2020, at 06:46 PM by Rob?:
- UnderstandingPermissions . . . May 25, 2020, at 10:44 PM by Rob?:
- UnderstandingLinuxPathStructure . . . May 25, 2020, at 10:29 PM by Rob?:
- LinuxTermsDefinedToGetYouStarted . . . May 25, 2020, at 10:16 PM by Rob?:
- DoingAHeadlessInstallationOfRaspbianOnTheRaspberryPi . . . January 08, 2017, at 12:52 PM by Kerry Hoath?: fix linebreak
- PuTTY . . . September 22, 2015, at 11:16 AM by Kerry Hoath?: initial page
- HomePage . . . September 22, 2015, at 11:11 AM by Kerry Hoath?: added putty page
- LighttpdInstallation . . . April 25, 2014, at 09:12 AM by Brian Shaw?:
- PmwikiAssignment . . . April 25, 2014, at 08:40 AM by Brian Shaw?:
- BookshareLinuxRelatedBooks . . . February 22, 2014, at 06:58 AM by Monica Willyard?: Added books about Raspberry Pi
- Eyes-FreeLinuxInstallationUnderWindows . . . September 18, 2013, at 06:31 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Complete update and rewrite of Appendix C for software speech install of Debian Wheezy.
- RegularExpressionExercise1 . . . March 20, 2013, at 09:22 PM by Kerry Hoath?:
- CreatingAFileServerUsingRAIDAndZFS . . . November 26, 2012, at 09:45 AM by Pranav Lal?: Fixed commands to ensure that they appear in separate paragraphs.
- Test . . . November 15, 2012, at 09:52 AM by Lilac?: this works
- WikiSandbox . . . November 15, 2012, at 09:49 AM by Lilac?: testing
- OpenvpnOnABhost . . . October 29, 2012, at 10:17 PM by Kerry Hoath?: fixed easy-rsa path and disclaimed iptables command-line
- Lecture12 . . . October 28, 2012, at 10:34 PM by Kerry Hoath?: fixed page
- TheBasicsOfEncryption . . . September 12, 2012, at 09:35 AM by Pranav Lal?: What is encryption, why is it used? How does it work?
- EnablingLoggingInViaAKeyPair . . . September 05, 2012, at 12:48 PM by Kerry Hoath?: tidy up lists?
- Lecture13 . . . June 17, 2012, at 12:44 PM by ?:
- GettingYourFeetWetWithEd . . . June 14, 2012, at 03:00 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Added some clarification based on problems people had in the last half of the class.
- Lecture9 . . . June 14, 2012, at 01:52 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Fixed typos.
- ProcessesAndJobs . . . June 13, 2012, at 04:55 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Added info abou top and jobs from lecture 9
- Eyes-FreeDiskAndPartitionCloning . . . June 13, 2012, at 02:59 AM by Deborah Armstrong: First Draft
- InstallingVmwareTools . . . June 05, 2012, at 09:02 PM by Kerry Hoath?:
- Lecture8 . . . May 10, 2012, at 04:25 PM by Kerry Hoath?: fixed untar command
- BasicPackageManagement . . . May 10, 2012, at 11:36 AM by John Ylioja?: Corrected package name libterm-readline-gnu-perl
- SuperUser . . . May 10, 2012, at 02:16 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Fixed some errors.
- ArchiveAndCompressionUtilities . . . May 02, 2012, at 12:06 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Fixed errors; added more explanation; included a useful script to back up my server.
- RegularExpressionBasics . . . April 02, 2012, at 09:06 AM by Deborah Armstrong:
- WhatsInSlashVar . . . March 31, 2012, at 01:28 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Added info on var from Kerry's study group 7 explanation
- PackageManagementUsingApt-get . . . March 21, 2012, at 05:30 PM by Pranav Lal?: Explains package management in Linux
- TerminalsScreenSessionsAndCommandLineEditingBasics . . . March 18, 2012, at 10:41 AM by Gemma Hoath?: small formatting funnies
- ShortBookExcerpt . . . March 10, 2012, at 05:34 AM by Deborah Armstrong: Created this page with the intriguing Neal Stevenson excerpt.
- RecommendedBooksForCaviStudents . . . March 02, 2012, at 09:05 AM by Gemma Hoath?: fixed the links
- LinuxWikiEditPassword . . . March 02, 2012, at 01:18 AM by Matthew Janusauskas?: Created unlinked page for current edit password
- UnansweredQuestions . . . February 19, 2012, at 04:33 AM by Monica Willyard?: Networking questions for new Linux users running the default virtual machine